Hi. Mike here. I thought I'd make a web site devoted mostly to my 1972 Chevrolte Monte Carlo. Here You'll find pictures,
a few facts, some links and whatever else I can find that pretains to Chevrolet Monte Carlos.
So stop and take a look around. There isn't much here but as time goes by and I get more information about Monte Carlos I
hope to add to the site.
If you'd like write to me about Monte Carlos or any thing else. My e-mail address is:
03/01/01 Everything is new to the site. 03/02/01 On the "More Monte Carlo" you will find some photos of the engine
and engine copartment. 02/12/02 You'll find many changes not only to the web site but also to the Monte Carlo. So hit
all the links above and take a look.
06/02/02 You'll find a nice picture of my familys Chevrolets has been added. Take a look. Some fine
cars there.
06/06/06 Ended up moving. New house. Still same fine Monte Carlo.
02/21/09 Well there has been an additon. It may not be a Monte Carlo but it is a Chevrolet. Say hi to my 1966 Chevrolet
Caprice. A lot of work ahead.